
President’s Message

by Vicky Carlson
The 2018 annual conference in Atlanta is just around the corner, and the Education Committee has been busy putting together an outstanding education program and conference experience. With the conference upon us, it also means that it will be time... Read more »

Editor’s Notes

by Tasha Ruth
Ever since the 2018 NACM Midyear Conference in sunny Orange County, California, I’ve been bragging about my growing hippocampus. Allow me to explain. The conference focused on mindfulness, taking care of ourselves so we can become better leaders and managers,... Read more »

Courtside Conversation
Jame Carney

by Matthew Kleiman & Taylor Allison
Interview conducted and edited by Matthew Kleiman & Taylor Allison Editor’s note: Courtside Conversation has always highlighted court administrators, focusing on their backgrounds, their management styles, and their relationships with judges and other administrative staff. This one is different. In... Read more »

Early Career Professionals

by Michelle Dunivan
Distracted, indecisive, selfish, disruptive, entitled, impatient, entrepreneurial: traits not typically solicited in a court administration job posting. Yet these traits are often associated with Millennials, the generation occupying and applying for the majority of jobs in courts worldwide. Each year,... Read more »

A Question of Ethics

by Peter C. Kiefer
Despite years of debate, accepting gifts is still one of the most challenging topics in court ethics. Many stand adamantly against court personnel accepting gifts under any circumstances; others worry that taking such an unflinching stand harms employee morale and... Read more »

Management Musings

by Giuseppe M. Fazari
In his book The Gap: The Science of What Separates Us from Other Animals, Thomas Suddendorf studies the six traits that separate us from other species — language, mental time travel, theory of mind, intelligence, culture, and morality. Suddendorf argues... Read more »

IJIS Exchange

by Jenny Bunch
Connecting Business and Technology As noted by Kofi Annan, “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating.” Such a simple and powerful message! But how do you find the information you seek? Ah, there’s always a catch. While Google works well for... Read more »