President’s Message

Welcome to this edition of the Court Manager. The NACM Board and all of our volunteer committee members are engaged and doing a marvelous job on behalf of the association. I am amazed by their dedication and commitment. Please visit the NACM website for all of the great contributions and offerings for your professional development.

The midyear conference will be held February 9-11, 2020 in the “Queen City” of Charlotte, North Carolina. Plans are well underway for another great educational experience. The conference theme is (Inter) Connected Courts: Ensuring Justice in Our Communities and will feature up to four plenary sessions and ten or more breakout workshops. A special thanks to the Education Committee and Conference Development Subcommittee for planning what will be another excellent conference. We are looking forward to meeting you there.

Thank you to all of the contributors that make this publication exceptional. Please enjoy this edition of the Court Manager!