The NACM Annual Conference was held in New Orleans in July, with 674 people attending and 49 participating virtually. The theme was Leadership Opportunities and Challenges for Our Nation’s Courts: Leading Leaders into the New Tomorrow.

Scholarship Recipients Share Their Thoughts about the Annual Conference
NACM offers scholarships for members to participate in conferences each year. What better way to share the highlights of the conference than to share some of the testimonials from the 2024 scholarship recipients?
Nichole Parrish, Tribal Court Administrator, Cowlitz Indian Tribe
I was beyond thrilled and honored to be awarded a scholarship to attend this year’s annual conference in New Orleans. Starting my experience off with a BANG on Sunday with the first-time attendee meet and greet. Laughing and playing the trivia game helped me to feel immediately comfortable and set the stage for the conference. Followed up by following the band to the welcome reception and you all out-did yourselves!
Monday’s opening plenary was phenomenal. Valerie Grubb motivated us all, and I took the time to ruminate on everything she said. She was inspiring to say the least, and I hope to get the chance to hear her speak again someday. Being able to complete some of the CORE® courses was great! The speakers were entertaining, insightful and spoke with passion. They kept us all engaged from beginning to end.
Jenny Findsen, Chambers Judicial Assistant, Alaska Supreme Court
Having spent less than two years working for the Alaska Supreme Court as a chambers judicial assistant, the NACM annual conference in New Orleans presented an opportunity to increase my understanding of different court systems, hone leadership and management skills, and network with peers. Being my first NACM conference, I had few expectations. The topics covered on the agenda were broad overarching themes of leadership and the integration of AI into the courts.
One of the things I did expect at a NACM conference was sessions on leadership. Topics ranged from effective communication to identifying strengths and skills in team members. I walked away from the leadership sessions with the key takeaway that the higher I rise in my career, the more of a servant I become to those under my supervision.
In anticipation of the need to understand AI integration, NACM offered numerous sessions on the various aspects of artificial intelligence use. I found these sessions provided an informative catalyst for future conversations.
Raschelle Demshock, UI/UX Manager, New Jersey Courts
As a first-time attendee at the National Association for Court Management Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, I can confidently say that this experience has been nothing short of transformative. From the moment I stepped into the vibrant atmosphere of the conference, I felt a sense of belonging among fellow court professionals who share a common mission: to enhance the judiciary and serve our communities effectively.
One of the most significant benefits of attending this conference was the opportunity to network with state court employees and vendors from across the country. The NACM board members were energetic and welcoming. Engaging in meaningful conversations with peers allowed me to gain insights into best practices, innovative solutions, and emerging trends that are shaping the future of our courts.
Additionally, the diverse range of sessions and workshops provided invaluable knowledge that reignited my passion for our mission. Valerie Grubb powerfully presented “Elevate Your Game” and challenged me and my fellow court leaders to be brave enough to provide “actionable” feedback. I’m ordinarily drawn to leadership sessions and deviated from my norm at this conference. I embarked on the technology track as this journey directly relates to my current position in New Jersey Courts as the UI/UX manager, focused on application User-Centered Engineering and Interface Design. The Trial Court Unification session focused on an enterprise approach to court applications directly relating to the work in New Jersey courts. I left feeling reenergized and inspired, armed with new ideas and strategies to implement within our court system. The collaborative spirit of the conference reminded me of the importance of teamwork and shared goals in overcoming challenges.
Natalie Williams, Court Executive 2B—Civil Division Manager, New Jersey Courts
Attending the NACM annual conference in New Orleans, Louisiana proved to be an exceptionally enriching experience. Having participated in this event for the second consecutive year, I found it to be even more enlightening and informative than the previous one. The diverse array of daily sessions delved deeply into evolving legal trends, encompassing topics such as data and AI in the courts, strategic planning, digital efficiencies, advancing the rule of law, and inclusivity, among others. These sessions not only broadened my own skill set as a court manager but also facilitated valuable connections and collaborations with fellow court professionals.
The thorough organization of the conference ensured a seamless experience, with each detail meticulously arranged to optimize learning and engagement. The spirit of teamwork was unmistakable throughout the event, with NACM embodying the essence of collaboration. Furthermore, the vibrant backdrop of New Orleans infused a unique cultural flair into the event, with its music, history, and culinary offerings contributing to the overall enriching experience.
This comprehensive experience has not only expanded my knowledge base but has also forged lasting connections with talented professionals who have now become friends. Looking ahead, I eagerly anticipate attending future conferences to further deepen my expertise and maintain connections with this remarkable professional community.
Ralph Garcia, Pima County Consolidated Justice Court, Tucson, Arizona
Thank you to the NACM Board of Directors for the generous gift of being awarded a scholarship to attend the annual conference this year. NACM continues to provide a high level of education and networking opportunities for court professionals. After 23 years working in the court, it’s still fascinating to meet court members from all over the country and NACM makes that possible. I appreciate the knowledge and experience from each of the presenters. Each presenter had a passion for education and were very knowledgeable on their subject. I found a great benefit in listening to comments from my fellow attendees during the session. The conference brings such a diverse group of court members, and I appreciated hearing different perspectives on the topics of discussion. NACM board members clearly have an enthusiasm for the development of court management, and it’s apparent in their planning of this conference. The fun run and social event was another great opportunity for networking while enjoying the company of others. These events provided network opportunities outside of the conference setting. I look forward to future opportunities where I can gain knowledge from the NACM organization and network with my fellow members.
Xavier Verdugo, Court Operations Manager, Pima County Consolidated Justice Court, Tucson, Arizona
What a great time and experience!
I had a great time and experience at the 2024 NACM Annual Conference in New Orleans. The conference offered a variety of breakout sessions with fantastic presenters. I appreciate how the conference is structured each day, which allows you several opportunities to network and explore the town. The social event was awesome! Certainly, NACM knows how to have a great time. Thank you, NACM, for an incredible conference and for allowing me the opportunity to attend. I hope to attend many conferences in the future.

Networking and Socializing Are Key!
There is no question that one of the central benefits of membership to any professional association is getting to know others in your field. This year, conference attendees enjoyed an amazing social event that celebrated the NOLA vibe!
Everyone dusted off their dancing shoes for an unforgettable evening at the Fillmore. This isn’t your ordinary music hall. “The Fillmore was the focal point for the psychedelic music scene during the 1960s and 1970s, helping launch the careers of the biggest names of the era, such as The Grateful Dead, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, and The Doors.”
Attendees were thoroughly entertained by the band Mixed Nuts, the #1 special events, corporate party, and wedding band in the U.S.A. They lit up the Fillmore and engaged the crowd for hours. Just let the photos speak for themselves!
NACM Members Honored at Annual Conference
The final day of the conference included the presentation of awards and the association’s business meeting. Each year the association announces the winners of the Award of Merit and Perkins Award and celebrates an Early Career Professional.
The 2024 Award of Merit was presented toTracy “TJ” BeMent of Georgia. This prestigious recognition is given to an individual or an organization that has contributed significantly to the field of court administration. Only one Award of Merit may be given each year.
TJ BeMent is the district court administrator for the 10th Judicial Administrative District out of Athens, Georgia. He is a 25-year member of NACM and has served on the NACM Board, culminating in his presidency in 2021. He has served in many capacities and roles as a presenter, author (CORE® curriculum Leadership competency), and bylaw revisionist. As an instructor and curriculum developer for the National Center for State Courts’ Institute for Court Management, BeMent continues to teach our rising court professionals around the country.
BeMent received the Institute for Court Management’s 2022 Star Award and became a member of the National Center for State Courts’ Warren E. Burger Society. He exemplifies NACM’s motto, “Strengthening Court Professionals,” which is the foundation for all of his extraordinary achievements. NACM and its members are fortunate to benefit from his leadership.
The Perkins Award was presented to Dr. William “Will” Simmons. This award was established in 2013 to honor long-time association manager Linda Perkins, who was the first recipient. This award is given to an individual who consistently goes above and beyond to make behind-the-scenes contributions to the field of court administration or their court. Simmons’s efforts for court administration and his community exemplify all the ideals of this award.
He serves as district court administrator of Sixth Judicial District Court in McDonough, Georgia and is serving as interim superior and state court administrator for Clayton County, Georgia. Simmons has served as a past president for NACM and the Georgia Council of Court Administrators.
Finally, the Early Career Professional (ECP) Award was presented to Josephine Wu. The ECP Award is given each year to recognize distinguished service and outstanding contributions to the profession of court administration and the judicial system by an early career professional.
Josephine Wu serves as court operations manager for the Los Angeles Superior Court of Monrovia, California. Josephine Wu has become a member of the National Association for Court Management to further her professional development and take full advantage of networking and contributing to the profession of court management. Through her involvement, she has shown interest in being involved, directly contributing to, and finding ways to meet and interact with other court professionals.
New Officers and 2024–25 Board of Directors
The conference closed with the induction of the 2024 Board of Directors, representing 11 states and courts of all jurisdictions.
Tina Mattison
Tucson, AZ
President Elect
Kelly Hutton
Grand Forks, ND
Vice President
Greg Lambard
Robbinsville, NJ
Roger Rand
Portland, OR
Immediate Past President
Rick Pierce
Harrisburg, PA
Melinda Brooks*
Columbus, OH
Jeff Chapple*
O’Fallon, MO
Kristie Collier
Phoenix, AZ
Membership Committee Chair
Whitney Freese*
Vancouver, WA
Nicole Zoe Garcia
Phoenix, AZ
Governance Committee Chair
Nathaniel Mingo
Riverdale, GA
Dawn Palermo
Harvey, LA
Communications Chair
Creadell Webb
Philadelphia, PA
Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Chair
Courtney Whiteside*
St. Louis, MO
*New board member.