
2020 CourtFutures Top Trends to Watch: NACM Respondents

February 1, 2021
by Phillip Knox & Peter C. Kiefer

We have summarized the best thinking of over 1,500 court professionals who have reviewed 201 different scenarios of possible futures. This report highlights the 2020 assessments and focuses on the responses of NACM members, comparing their assessments with those of the overall group.

Using Online Tools to Connect Pro Se Litigants with Legal Information: Exploring How Presentation Style Affects Comprehension and Behavioral Intent

February 1, 2021
by Susan A. Choe, Orie V. Kristel, Rachel L. Harris, and Amanda L. Scott

Developing self-help information for pro se litigants can increase efficiency in courts, improve the public opinion of the civil justice system, and increase access to justice. Legal professionals sometimes can struggle to interpret legal information so that it is easy for lay people to understand and inspires confidence.