Warren E. Burger Award
The National Association for Court Management (NACM) congratulates the 2019 Warren E. Burger Award recipient, Michigan State University Professor Maureen Connor.
The National Center for State Courts’ Warren E. Burger Award recognizes an individual whose service over a career has significantly contributed to improving the administration of the state courts. This prestigious award honors a person who demonstrates professional expertise, leadership, integrity, creativity, and innovativeness.

Perkins Award
NACM’s Perkins Award is presented annually to an individual who consistently goes above and beyond to make behind-the-scenes contributions to the field of court administration or their court. Congratulations to Kenneth Pankey for receiving the 2019 Perkins Award. Kenneth Pankey is the senior planner for the Supreme Court of Virginia’s Office of the Executive Secretary.

Award of Merit
NACM’s Award of Merit is presented annually to recognize distinguished service and outstanding contributions to the profession of court administration on a national basis. Congratulations to the 2019 Award of Merit recipient, Mark Weinberg, court administrator for the 7th Judicial Circuit of Florida.

Top Court Technology Solutions Awards
NACM and the Court Information Technology Consortium celebrate and recognize the court technology solutions implemented by their respective members. Immense benefit exists when court management and technology professionals collaborate to use technology in a way that provides valuable contributions to courts. A panel of six judges reviewed and scored all submissions. Congratulations to the 2019 award winners.
Court Process Innovations Category—Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts for their Guardianship Tracking System. This project is recognized for optimizing the way people, processes, and technology work together to transform courts. Accepting the award was Director of Information Technology Amy Ceraso.

Digital Courts, Court to Citizens Category—State Courts of Singapore’s Community Justice and Tribunal System. This project is recognized for fostering improved interaction between courts and citizens, encouraging citizen engagement, and providing access to data and information for citizen use. Accepting the award for the Singapore Courts was Judge Jennifer Marie.

Emerging Technologies Category—The Court Information Technology Officers Consortium will present the award for this category at its next meeting to the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts for its Electronic Document Archival System.
Honorable Mentions—the Maryland Judiciary’s Court TV and Self-Help Video Library, the Republic of Kazakhstan’s eJustice System, the Utah State Courts’ Online Dispute Resolution System, and the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania’s Philadelphia Court Website Enhancements.
NACM Committee Member Awards
Each year, NACM committee chairs recognize committee members for their outstanding leadership and dedication to the association through their service on NACM committees. The 2019 award recipients are:
Communications Committee—Charleston Carter, Dawn Palermo, Dorothy Howell, Frank Hardester, Janet Cornell, Jeffrey Tsunekawa, Kevin Lane, Paul DeLosh, Peter Kiefer, Randy Short, Roger Rand, and Tasha Ruth

Education Committee—Alyce Roberts, Joy Keller, and Teresa Ewing
Core Subcommittee—Brandon Kimura
Conference Development Subcommittee—Edwin Bell

Membership Committee—Joe Tommasino and Randall Soderquist

Cherie Lusk is court manager, King County Superior Court, Issaquah, Washington.